
The intention of the conference series “Aging & Cognition” is to stimulate research on cognitive aging in Europe by bringing together European and non-European scientists.

The first three conferences “Aging & Cognition” took place in Dortmund in 2010, 2013, and 2015
(past conferences).

The 4th International Conference “Aging & Cognition and the 2nd Conference of the European Cognitive Ageing Society (EUCAS) was organized by the University Research Priority Program “Dynamics of Healthy Aging” and took place in Zurich from 20th-22nd April 2017.

The “Aging & Cognition” will be continued as a biannual series, in alternation with the Cognitive Aging Conference (CAC) in Atlanta and will also be the conference of the European Cognitive Ageing Society (EUCAS). After the Dortmund (2010, 2013, and 2015) and the Zurich (2017) conferences, the International Conference Aging & Cognition will have variable locations throughout Europe.